At the Sayre Senior Citizen Center visitors can indulge in a wide range of activities. Puzzles, Dominoes & Skip-Bo are just some of the activities on offer. However, probably the most important aspect of the Sayre Senior Citzen Center is that it provides an enjoyable, social atmosphere for everyone who visits.
Hours of operation for the Senior Citizen Center are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m., during which time meals are served. For those 60 and older, meals are free (with a suggested donation of $3.00, and for those under 60, meals are charged at $7.00.
Please visit us at:
404 NE Hwy 66
Sayre, Oklahoma 73662
For more information, please call Senior Citizen Center
Coordinator, Karen Sanders, at 580-928-3175.