David Epp
Keith Carter
Billie Cook
Bob Criswell
The City of Sayre Planning & Zoning Committee will meet on the second Monday of every month. Meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, City Hall Annex, unless otherwise stated within the agenda. Visit the Main Schedule of Meetings under City Government Tab for exact date.
*Note: If a committee meeting falls on a Monday Holiday the meeting will be scheduled on Tuesday.
"' Note - If a committee meeting falls the day before a Council meeting, it will be scheduled for the preceding week so that there is
time to place any issues coming out of committee that the Council needs to address on the agenda.
Please Note: The official agenda is posted at City Hall in accordance with state law. Agendas posted on this website are for general information only. In the event of a conflict between any agenda on this website and the posted agenda, the posted agenda shall prevail.
Questions regarding this agenda should be directed to the Sayre City Clerk at 580-928-2260